The Slow Living Guide: No More Race Against The Clock

Do you feel like life is passing you by? Are you constantly racing against the clock, trying to make it to the next meeting or appointment on time? If so, it might be time to try slow living. This modern movement can help us all take a step back and appreciate the moments we have in our lives. In this blog post, we'll explore what slow living is and how it can improve your physical and mental health while creating better relationships. Let's dive in!

What Is Slow Living?

Slow living is a lifestyle that encourages people to take their time and savour moments of joy in their everyday lives. It's about slowing down enough to move through your day with purpose instead of rushing from one task to another. The goal of slow living is not about moving at a snail’s pace, but rather finding peace in taking your time and enjoying life more fully.

Why Start Slow Living?

A better question might be: Why on Earth are we trying to go so fast? There's no need to move at a snail's pace, but slowing down enough to move through your day with purpose helps calm frazzled nerves, make more meaningful connections with others, improve productivity at work—and most importantly—allows us all more appreciation for everyday experiences that make up our lives!

How Can Slow Living Improve Your Health?

By focusing on slow living, we can reduce stress levels which leads to improved physical and mental health. Taking our time allows us to breathe deeply, focus on mindfulness practices, and be more present in our daily activities. As we learn how to manage stress by slowing down our pace of life, we also create better relationships with ourselves and others around us.

How Can You Incorporate Slow Living Into Your Life?

There are many ways that you can incorporate slow living into your routine. Here are my favourite tips for starting your Slow Living Journey:

  1. Wake up before sunrise each day for self-care rituals such as meditation or journaling;

  2. Avoid using technology before 10 am and after 8 pm;

  3. Start a veggie garden or spend time outdoors connecting with nature;

  4. Make meaningful connections with family and friends;

  5. Make a ‘Love To Do List’ and make time for it each day;

  6. Take the time necessary to prepare healthy meals and enjoy them;

  7. Take action towards making the world a better place!

Give Slow Living a Try

Whether you're an entrepreneur looking for increased productivity or just someone wanting to bring more joy into your life, slow living can provide tremendous benefits if practised properly. By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you will soon find yourself feeling calmer, healthier and happier overall! So why not give it a try today? It might just be the best decision you've ever made!

→ Check out my TOOLKiDs and RE:SCHOOL for more

Juliette Schraauwers

I believe we have to Rethink, Relearn, Reimagine and Regenerate what we know, in order to Thrive in Today’s World - I’m really glad you’re here. Because I’ve combined it all into one place for you to empower yourself & the next generation to grow into holistic thinkers & doers.

Slow Living Guide: Create a Calm, Spacious Home


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